Update πŸ˜ŠπŸ’πŸŽ‰

Hey all, 

I am back, it’s been quite a long time, since I’ve updated this blog, a lot of life has happened, since my last blog post, where I shared my testimony πŸ˜‚ but God’s been challenging me to write more, here lately, and I’ve missed updating this blog, so I wanted to share a little bit of the journey, that I’ve been on, for the last year. πŸ’

First of all, I want to start with Jesus, He is my everything, with Him, life make’s so much more sense, to me. No matter how hard of a day, I’m having, no matter how confusing the unexpected surprises, of this life, that often come, in moment’s when I’m least expecting them, are, with Jesus, even those hard day’s and those unexpected and confusing surprises and moment’s, in life, begin to make sense. Thing’s begin to get clearer, and I begin to realize, more and more, that all of this life, is about Jesus. All of this life is about Jesus, everything was created by Jesus, and for Jesus, ultimately, there is nothing that was created, that was made without Jesus, He is the Creator, He is the Word of God, made flesh, within my Heart πŸ’ and He is my only Hope for Glory. My life, here on this earth, is not my own, for I have been crucified with Jesus and it is no longer, I who live, but it is Jesus, who live’s in me, and the life, that I now live, I live by faith, in Jesus, the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself, for me, this is the one verse that God has melted into my Heart and has been cementing in my Heart πŸ’ and in my mind, for the last eight year’s, of walking with Jesus, it hasn’t been easy, but it’s been worth it and when the pain, seem’s too great, the sacrifices too much to bear, God remind’s me, sweetly and tenderly, that my life, is not my own, that I have been crucified with Christ, and that it is no longer, I who live, but Jesus Christ who live’s in me. As believer’s, and disciple’s, of Jesus, we need to be able to have this same mindset, when facing the trial’s and the tribulation’s of this life, for Jesus warned us that in this life, and in the world, that we would have trouble, but after that difficult promise, Jesus goes on to say, be of good cheer, I have overcome the world, Jesus say’s earlier in that same verse, that in Him, we may have peace, and that for me, has become the most precious and comforting part of my Relationship with Jesus, over the past year, His Peace. In Isaiah, one of the name’s that Jesus is given, by the prophet Isaiah, is Prince of Peace, He is also called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, and Everlasting Father, in that same verse. Jesus is all that we will ever need, as Christian’s, here on this earth, for those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ, into our heart’s, as our Lord and as our Savior, Jesus is all that we will ever need, He is our Savior, He is our Redeemer, He is our Lord, He is our Healer, He is our Shepherd and He is our Friend, He is the Friend who stick’s closer than a brother. I do not know where you are at, in your relationship with Jesus, but if you have accepted Him, into your Heart, as your Lord and your Savior or even if you haven’t, I want to encourage you, to reach out to Him, to pursue Him, and to begin to start getting to know Him, just like you would, a good friend. It say’s in His Word, to draw near to Him and He will draw near to you, and I can attest to the truth of that one verse, I do not know how many time’s, I have been desperate and hurting and broken, and in those moment’s, choosing to draw near to God, and allowing God to draw near to me. God, our sweet, sweet, Heavenly Father, love’s all of us, so much, that He sent Jesus, His precious and beloved, only-begotten Son, Jesus, to the earth, to save us from ourselves, to save us from our sin and our shame and our mistake’s, simply because He loved us. In response to the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made, on our behalf, to come to leave His Heavenly Home and to come to the earth, in order to die for our sin’s, our live’s, as Believer’s and Follower’s and Lover’s of Jesus, here on this earth is to alway’s be lived out in full dependence on Jesus, and in full cooperation with whatever it is that God has in store for us. God deserves our full trust, even in those difficult moment’s of unexpected pain or trouble or disappointment that often come up, in this life. 

I’ve recently been reading a book, by Christian Author and Speaker, Christine Caine, called Unexpected, and in the book, she talk’s about trusting God in the midst of life’s often unexpected difficult and painful surprises, as well as, through the good, unexpected surprises, that often come up, in life, as well, and the key word for me, in this whole journey, with Jesus, over the last year, has been Trust. If you’ve read my Testimony, which I posted, here on the blog, a little under a year ago, in March of 2018, you would know, that Trust, for me, has alway’s been difficult for me, even growing up, I didn’t necessarily trust, a lot of people, outside of my family, and trusting God, seemed like such a difficult task, because I couldn’t see Him. I grew up in Church. I grew up reading the Bible and memorizing verses and hearing about all of the stories in the Bible, filled with amazing character’s who believed in God and who put their faith in God and who trusted Him, often through some of the most difficult moment’s of their life. I grew up in the Word of Faith era of the Church, but I struggled in my faith and trust, in God, for year’s, until about eight year’s ago, I started a spiritual journey with Jesus, where I began to actively step out in faith, into the thing’s that God had in store for me. It has been one of the most difficult and rewarding, challenging and fulfilling journey’s, I have ever had the privilege of being on, full of up’s and down’s, high’s and low’s, but one thing that has never changed, in and through it all, has been JesusπŸ’He’s never changed, if anything, He just keep’s on getting better and better. In the midst of difficult and painful moment’s, His goodness shine’s the brightest, in the midst of my weakness, His grace truly is sufficient for me, in the midst of my weakness, His strength, really and truly is, perfect and in the midst of my trouble’s and trial’s, His beautiful and sweet, sweet Peace and His amazing Glory really is All-Consuming. Jesus has proven Himself, to me, over and over and over again, in each new season, that I walk through with Him and I am steadily falling even more in Love πŸ’ with Him, the more that I serve Him and the more that I follow Him, into all that God, has in store for me. 

If you are struggling in your personal relationship with God, and you feel like you want to give up on it, that life’s too hard, that God doesn’t care, I want you to reject those lie’s, and make the decision to draw near to God, to give your relationship with God, one more chance, to try again one more time, to grow within your personal relationship with God, because God does care, about you, because Jesus has overcome this world with all of it’s trouble, and Jesus has come, that you might have life and have it more abundantly, your enemy, the devil, would like nothing more than to sabotage your relationship with God, he would like nothing more than for you to believe the lies that he’s feeding you about God, and your relationship with God, so that you give up on the one thing that you need the most and that is, God, and a relationship with God. Don’t fall for the lies of the enemy, fight for your relationship with God, draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Give God the benefit of the doubt, He sacrificed His only Son, for you, if you are a parent, you understand how difficult that is, because I’m certain that you Love πŸ’ your kid’s with all of your Heart πŸ’. God loved His only Son, Jesus, with all of His Heart πŸ’ Jesus was His Pride and His Joy, and He was willing to sacrifice His only Son, Jesus, His Pride and Joy, in order to save you, from death, from hell, from the grave. In order to save you from yourself, from your sin’s, guilt, shame, and mistakes. Most importantly God sacrificed His Only Son, Jesus, so that He could have relationship with you, so that He could know you, intimately, from the inside out, so that He could have a connection with you, because He love’s you. So the next time, the enemy feed’s you a lie meant to separate you from God and cause you to want to give up on your relationship with God, think about everything that God went through, just to be able to have a relationship with you, and talk to Him, draw near to Him, invite Him into your life and into your situation/life circumstance and see what happen’s. Watch Him show Himself strong on your behalf, perfect that which concern’s you and make your way perfect and most importantly, watch as He begin’s to change you, from the inside out, into the person that He created you to be. 

Thank you, for following me, on this journey, and for reading through this whole post, this one was a long one, but I haven’t posted in a while and this is what God had on His heart πŸ’ to share, with you all, so thank you for taking the time to read it. I am going to try to start updating this blog, more frequently, so stay tuned and I hope that you all have an amazing week. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’πŸŽ‰